Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Lessoning brain ache

The lovely boy has been feeling fab :sloppy: 

We have changed his snaffle to a Verbindend and noseband to a drop and what a difference...no setting of the neck,much more willing to stretch down and forward, nice soft mouth and flexion through the jaw...and although I am not a fan of the aesthetic qualities of a drop, I am a fan of the effect...it did the same for my old, no idea why i didn't try it earlier :withstupid: Maybe because it hasn't been awful in the kk and flash, but with the refinements at medium, it has definitely not been the easiest getting the harmony and relaxation we now seem to have :thumbs: 

Great to have trainer on site to go through the test sheet from last weekend, also fab that she saw the test and could put the comments to what she saw and refine our training on from that.

First port of call, that straightness through the stretchy warm up work...always a focus. We had a chat about my position as it always needs some work. But today she made it clear that the more advanced his training is getting, the more sensitive and responsive he is becoming, the more utterly VITAL it is that my signals are clear, consistent, balanced, focused :nono: If I am not sitting completely straight we aren't going to be going in a straight line.I also need to remember the aids to apply for a straight line!!! No, really!!! On the left rein, right leg on the girth, left leg 'slightly' behind the girth, weight on left seat bone, shoulders turned the way we are going, weight through elbows ensuring a giving hand...reverse for the right rein...easy you would think...man alive it makes my brain ache!!! :lachen001:

Worked on that forward straightness through the transitions from walk to trot, trot to walk, walk to halt, always thinking of up and forward from the shoulder, taking that weight back using those hind legs....then progressing to changes of pace within the pace, particularly on and back in the trot, without rushing, loss of balance, sucking back, always forward and up to that giving hand :rolleyes: 

Trainer wanted to look at canter as there has been an issue with my aids for left...sigh.... :kopfpatsch: 
My positioning has been asking for counter canter on the left rein, so of course pony has been helpfully giving me counter canter!!! So what do we need? The inside hind stepping through...think shoulder fore before the transition, a soft inside contact, but not abandoning the rein, right leg properly back, weight to the outside, inside hip forward, but sitting tall, tall, tall....an active walk or trot also vital, up into the canter and balance, forward, balance, forward...riding the rhythm with the seat, not blocking wothe the hands...today we got some lovely, soft and balanced transitions into a much more balanced canter...he felt great. Walk to canter energetic, canter to walk, really thinking about collecting to a walk pace canter before closing the legs and riding the walk rhythm...we had some abrupt transitions on the left, so I need to make sure I am prepared,thinking ahead and keeping that connection soft but there!!! :biglaughA: 

We then did a brilliant exercise to help me with the brain work for Medium tests. Trainer knows I am a berk when it comes to preparation and multi tasking!! :acclaim: 
So on the right rein, counter flexion round the corner, down the long side thinking about positioning of leg and seat: 4 steps of leg yield right, 2 straight, 4 steps of half pass left, 2 straight...change the rein and repeat on the other side....really helped me think about his flexibility, maoeuverability, relaxation, rhythm and most importantly where my legs, shoulders and seat need to be...we did it in walk first, then moved to trot...it immediately became obvious my tendency is to change the position of my leg aids when actually for this exercise it needs to stay the same, it is just the left and right leg that need to alternate whether they are supporting or asking for the wonderpony to step across. A real lightbulb moment...fab exercise for us :thumbs: 

We finished with long, low stretches on both reins as he had worked very hard...but today he remained relaxed and calm and for us, that is a real turning point as when things get hard physically or mentally he has a tendency to throw some distraction techniques into the mix....delighted today!!

Clever pony :inlove: 
Onwards!!!! :wub: :hail:

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