Great levellers....
First trip out for 5 months, wasn't going to go, trainer made me...have FSM soon as she thought that
Fair play, late entry sorted, trainer and YM both going, happy little outing...
Yup, or more specifically errrrrrrrrrrrrr nope
Things were going soooooo well until Wonderpony decided he had something in his ear...cue violent headshaking and throwing onesself around
Thank god FP was on hand to remove fly veil quick smart...pony not happy about any touching of ears full stop, so this was the poor boy's worst nightmare....interrupted warm up threw me (creature of habit
I began to flap, Small brown continued to shake his rather furry ears/head around...difficult to get any sense out of him
Told trainer I wasn't going in, trainer said I was
Pony convinced whatever was/had been in his ear was eating him from the inside out...trundled down to arena in a tizz.....
Test was a shocker consequently....found it nigh on impossible to get any flexion on the right rein (ear gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) leg yield left consequently a more of a stagger and fall out, we reinvented the canter sections with a 10m circle in counter canter, a flat out gallop with me screehing 'Holy shit'to handbreak turn, a fancy skippty skip type thing in the medium walk....suffice it to say, had trainer not been watching I would have retired...not a great comeback that is without doubt
Packed up and went straight home without waiting for score or sheet....tail thoroughly between our legs
By some miracle it seems we might have scraped 63% by all in God's name we did that I have no idea
In happier news Larry Sausage is on his way in the morning!!!
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