Thursday, 14 August 2014

Our very first win!!

Hot on the heels of our respectable 'training' outing at Priory, where we surprised ourselves with 64% despite 2 rather expensive mistakes, we took a deep breath and thought we might as well go 'official' in the restricted section!!
One petplan sheet in the bag, 2 more to go...
I guess everyone has different goals when it comes to dressage....our is only to progress in our own time and on our own path...we are not Regionals material, Petplans suit us down to the ground, We are not competitive, I have no ambition to win National titles (luckily lol) for me to even have go to the dizzy height of Elementary at BD is more than I could ever have dreamed of 5 years ago and anything else here on in is just a bonus! To be here after 2 and a half years together and him being 7 is nothing short of incredible to me, but totally testament to Daniel Timson instilling total discipline into our training whilst we were based at his yard and our lovely Emma now continuing the great work with total confidence in us as a combination,enthusiasm and a huge dollop of patience.
The double bridle (much to the dressage police's disgust) has been a revelation for him.Whether it encourages me to be stiller in the hand or more subtle with the aid, he has become much more willing to work forward into it, consistently, without the leaning or running through.. Part of this has to be my own education as a rider,every day understanding more and more about the mechanics, the theory and the practice of good riding. Daniel taught me that every moment spent on the horse is educating them in some way, that has made me aware of seat, legs, hands in everything we do.
Recent lessons have focused on lateral work which has highlighted my own inadequacies in the hip flexibility department...something we are now working intensively.
It funny the words that stay with you: Daniel once said to me," it will never be the horse's fault you can't do something (a movement,a transition) it will always be you...look to yourself...what did YOU do wrong" So with the beginnings of the lateral work,I have to ask myself, why can't we achieve the same flexion, impulsion and submission on both sides...because I haven't got the physical tools there to ask the same questions on both sides!!! We WILL get there!!
Training has been going well. he is loving the variety, lots of hacking (which has definitely given him so much more confidence in the arena!) gallops, school work, jumping, turn out each and every day...he just feels like a happy, happy boy at the moment!
Certainly looking at pictures he is maturing, gaining the strength to take on the more advanced work, his work ethic is never questionable and now I am more aware of what I am doing we 'understand' each other. I see him becoming more 'uphill', able to take his weight back and really push from the hindquarters rather than drag himself along on the forehand. I am begininning to feel his 'power' and 'expression' in lessons and once we can achieve relaxation in tests too I am so confident we will start to gain the more respectable marks ;)

So we booked Merrist, never a truly happy hunting ground for us, due to his hatred of being able to hear all the shenanigans in the carpark but not see it! Our new warm up plan seems to be bedded in and working well, long and low, stretchy work, getting him soft and through and over the back particularly in canter. He has a chance to breathe, relax and I pick him up for the last 5 minutes or so, for lots of transitions within paces and a good forward thinking trot! Such a different pony from the one who dumped me on the floor at Sparsholt last year, then proceeded to leave the twice in one test!! :O

Judge has never given us over 60%. We are not her felt a little anxious.
Was blooming hot too, so he felt a little flat to me.
Into arena, standard spooking at banners, remembered Emmas instructions to use the shoulder fore to control him, focus on me and kick on, no dropping behind the contact allowed!

Centre line and halt felt ok. Love  having a halt and salute at the beginning of the test...feels very grown up! Trot work all great, 7's, focused on rhythm, rhythm, rhythm which seemed to work! First medium trot was entertaining as he was spooking at the banners,2nd one across diagonal, so much better, but without warmblood leg flinging just a 5.5   :/
Great transition to canter, rider forgot how big a 15m circle should be but the pictures show how much more uphill he has become in his work, balanced, never felt like dropping me...over the moon!
Final halt a bit wobbly, but pulled off a 7
Came out hoping for a smidge over 60% if we were lucky, but on previous form, likely to be in the fifties and our standard last place!!
Saw score before we left 63.5%, but with 2 hours of the class to go, was confident we would be down the placings and set off for home!
Cue floods of tears, when we finally arrived home and checked results to see he had only gone and won!!


Couldn't have been more surprised, delighted and overwhelmed all at once!
Prize money too, our first ever!!!

The Best Small Brown Pony

One more sheet and we will be off to Petplans at Elementary!
More than we could ever have dreamed of!!

Plan is to continue with strengthening him up over the winter, transitions,transitions, transitions. Unlikely to be any competing, we have achieved more than I ever hoped or dreamed this year, we will focus on that sitting trot (which luckily for me is modest and easy to sit to) and the mediums in the next 18months...and if we get out next season healthy and happy then that will be all that matters.
Onwards Small Brown!!

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