Saturday was my owl handling experience...lord, I LOVED it
Such beautiful creatures, was very humbled to look into their eyes...
'How To Train your Dragon 2'in the afternoon with the smallest bear...tis a weepy, but very enjoyable...followed by DVD night with lovely OH who bought me 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' and a lovely bottle of prosecco...
If you haven't seen it, it is one of the best films I have seen in years...cast of thousands and so clever!!
Today was Riding club shenanigans...National Qualifiers, team and individual competitions...arrived early for traditional picnic, muchos wine flowing (not for the drivers obviously!
Lovely to see FP! and the very smart wombalina in her very smart wombalina carriage...perfect for a princess
Hilariously, riding club rules dictate no wearing of smart casco hat kite mark luckily had smelly old crash hat in back of car...the shame of wearing a brown hat with black jacket!!!
The small brown one has been working very hard these past few weeks, have felt a huge step forward in his progress/training...took our time tacking up,it had got bloody hot by 2pm...middle of a field, fly-a get the idea
Never warm up for long, especially in this type of heat, also ground very hard and the precious dressage pony doesn't do grass as a rule...slipped over a couple of times in transitions, so took it steady...long low warm up in walk, trot and canter, then pick up for some more direct transitions and a working frame...he felt bit hot and bothered, not as pingy as he can be, but pleased he was listening
8's for simple change
68.8%...almost fell over!!!
COuldn't have been more chuffed. He really made it feel easy today,like there was a lot more to come...a huge confidence boost for both of us! Team came 2nd so we may, may get to the nationals if the first placed team can't go for any reason
Next stop, Unipone lesson on Saturday, then some BD ele through the summer holidays, before we head up to Moreton Morrell for area festival in October Half term at either Ele or Novice depending on sheet collection abilities! Might see you there John!! Looking forward to a good old pony party with all of my horsey girls (I used to live in Rugby)...stock piling the vino as we speak!!
Exciting times
Love that boy
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