Maybe do a couple of light sessions back in saddle after 2 weeks off before booking a beasting
Bloody hell I hurt tonight
Trainer has been keeping the boy ticking over while I have been away. He had the first week off totally as I am a great believer in pony holidays every so often.Yard Manager has hacked him a few times which he has by all accounts loved
Trainer worked on his relaxation and submission, whilst also focusing on his acceptance of the inside leg as a supporting aid without the addition of him trying to throw you off to the outside shoulder...he is a clever boy when it comes to getting out of the true hard work
Love that every lesson with her starts with the basics..straightness, suppleness, relaxation, forwardness (if that is indeed a word
Today we were looking at the quality of the trot work and transitions. First off collecting the walk using the seat and legs...reins only there to support, periodically asking me to give the inside rein to check he was relaxed and in self carriage. the 'feel' of lifting him forward, up and back really helped to focus my efforts...great picture for me
Lots of changes of rein, straightness across the diagonals being key, and transitions on the long side ended up with a beautiful,active transition up and down
We then worked on more activity in the trot, not speed, but the quickness of the hind legs. Very hard work for me!! But it made me realise it was also very hard work for him too! Onto a 20m circle, good quality forward trot,check self carriage and trainer helped us a little with the lunge whip. Collecting trot with seat yet keeping activity, hard work but a few fabulous moments of expressive BIG trot. Had to keep being reminded about soft hands, almost thinking about being able to have a loop in the reins, keeping a light outside contact, but giving a retaking the inside so he didn't become set and strong in the hand
ice long stretch and cool off to finish and lots of polos. I keep having to be reminded that he a sensitive, sharp chap at heart...and as trainer reminded me, if we have the relaxation the world is our oyster!!
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