Tuesday we worked on suppleness and relaxation to improve the quality of the trot this time...
Having warmed up in what felt like a sauna, trainer wanted to look at improving the trot with a view to getting a little more power, softness, elevation, suspension and essentially cadence...I say more, any would be good
With an eye on the future, canter has improved immeasurably in quality and trot has been a little neglected of late as he is quite regular and rhythmical and active, so a good basis for novice and elementary tests, but definitely needs more quality for Medium and above
We worked on a basic forward and softness large around the school, checking the gears and reactions were there first of all, then moved to more ribbon exercises. So on the right rein: left leg yield, to shoulder in, changing the bend to quarters in, to a half 10m circle to centre line keeping the quarters in to half pass and then repeat on the other rein
To be fair, he is pretty good, what I have to work on is the softness in the neck throughout, the rhythm and not rushing him out of that...so I can give him enough time to take the bigger steps and use himself properly
We then worked on leg yield on a 20m circle, keeping the front legs moving around the circle yet mobilising the back and hind legs behind the saddle...in walk to get the idea, then onto trot. Gosh, my head hurt and it became quite obvious that the boy found it hard work too, so we did a few steps, then out of it and forward, a few steps, out of it then forward. repeated on both reins...but WOW!! What a trot when we came out of it, he was pinging (as much as a Small brown pony can)
Trainer advised we incorporated that into our competition warm up as it really, really improved the quality of his trot!
We then had a look at his walk piri's which were declared fine and good to go...phew!!
Finally a quick recap on the canter work from last lesson, a turn on the forehand in walk straight into canter...keeping that inside hand up, outside hand down and supporting the outside shoulder...it is feeling lovely
We have now begun to look at the length of stride he takes, trying to further improve the power and quality, but also to achieve a more 'uphill' canter. She asked me to imagine him needing to step the inside hind up and under his tummy, pushing him up and forward....really helped me to visualise...but more than anything I have learned to 'ride' the bloody canter!!
Wednesday we had a polework and jumping lesson with a wonderful eventer, who is such a lovely quiet,confident rider. I did the trot and canter poles with him and then she popped on and gave him a spin over a cross pole, parallel and then an oxer. You can see the wonderpony's grin from outer space!!!
Dressaging on Saturday, then Douglas lesson on Monday...that will be interesting, of that I am totally sure...
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