What a lovely, lovely man...but more of that in a moment...pony tales first!!
Saturday dressage is a rare thing for us as I usually work all day, but decided to take the day off and go further afield for a change...different judges, hopefully better surfaces, a fresh pair of eyes
Fairoak Grange is such a lovely venue. Can highly recommend. Lovely cafe, quick results, fantastic stewarding, large open warm up (if a little dusty), great little 20 x40 indoor with mirrors and fab 20 x 60 outdoor (in middle of field weirdly, but not spooky)
Takes about an hour and 15 minutes from yard, but a nice easy, straight run, so OH and child were relatively happy!
Rocked up, parked on grass, lots of fancy ponies there....must learn not to look around, I get very freaked out by the sheer size of some of the beasts, especially higher up the levels
Had entered 2 short arena tests, initially the medium as training, but after chatting with trainer decided to just go for it and move to restricted...its not as if he is ever going to be sold so a blip in his results won't matter
A day of firsts to be honest. I think I am exceptionally lucky to have such a thorough and observant trainer. As per last blog, it's been all about the relaxation and harmony....she suggested doing some of our ribbon exercises in the warmup if possible, and in particular the turn on the forehand to canter to engage those hind legs and mobilise behind the saddle. Luckily, there was plenty of room as I was last in the Elementary...only 2 MASSIVE prancing beasts to negotiate. Had a lovely chat with a lady who appeared to know the Smallbrown one
Trundled off to the indoor, nearly killed by a pigeon/boxer dog altercation
I had learnt this test, so no caller (my safety blanket) which is a first, but wanted to see if it made a difference...there were a couple of senior moments, but was pleased I got through it without error
Truly won't bore you too much, but I felt I had time to correct things, manouevre him, set him up and sort of kind of enjoy it. E44 is nice and easy and one that plays to his strengths, lots of 10m circles and half circles, 5m canter loops a medium trot away from the judge on the long side
Pictures are here: Wonderpony
We had 45 minutes between tests so popped back to trailer, offered him a drink (no thanks Mum) stood under a tree in the shade as it was by now boiling hot and chilled out
I never look at scores between tests normally as it can be a bit hit and miss with the wonderpony and I prefer not to know if it is a shocker, but as they have live feed there had a sneaky peek at the phone and thought they must have put the wrong score up!!! 70.4% and 1st overall....bloody hell, I nearly fell over!! Clever, clever pony!!!
Feeling about 10 feet tall, we went back to do a short bit of warmup for the Medium. It was about 100 degrees in the shade by now, so just wanted to get him awake a bit, engage those little legs and make sure we had some lateral buttons
Everyone else was by now 17.2hh at least, bar one other very smart dressage pony (who was parked next to us...20 years old and doing advanced and gorgeous!!)
As we were trundling round, notice a very familiar face on the edge of the warmup....bless him, Keith Chegwin
First in for the M63, so took a deep breath, it's all about the experience right??!! Had decided whatever happened we would keep calm and carry on and anything over 50% would be great starting point. The mirrors in the indoor were a god send for the shoulder in work as we have been a bit enthusiastic with the angle this week. He felt tired (which didn't surprise me) but was still infront of the leg, bless him and he felt calm at least.
I felt like we schooled round it, rather than confidently rode it, but things happened in the right place. The trot half pass was better left to right and the canter half pass was a bit tense, but at least it happened. Blooming husband was reading this one in case I got flustered, and as I cantered to the centre line I heard him say, track left, judge was shaking her head...shit I thought if I go left there is going to be some serious flying changing needed,
THank god she had a sense of humour is all I can say! I said I wouldn't offer him out to any other competitors....at which point the steward said it could be quite a good nobbling of the opposition tactic!! Indeed
We didn't wait for sheet as we had to get back for a 40th birthday party, but delighted with 63.4%...actually more than delighted, over the moon and on cloud nine to be fair!! Our first go, our first points...what a wonderful boy I have.
As I wandered over to leave an envelope for my sheet, Keith Chegwin was filming his wife's test,bless him. Stopped to watch...man alive, he is one Huuuuuuuge pony...but what a lovely calm test he did. They were coming out as I was and he decided to mug me for sweeties, and we had a little chat. Seems even if you are famous, you dare not read a test for your wife....woe betide if it goes wrong. They were both utterly charming and very down to earth....he definitely has a fan in me
Big pats and kisses for the boy when I put him to bed. Looked later on line and discovered we weren't even last in the Medium, which in itself has made my bloody year!!!
OH had taken some great pics, which are in the link above...so I trawled through them at 11pm last night, with a glass or 3 of bubbly and a huge grin...
He just looks so different...powerful and grown up, and so much better from behind
Be interesting to see what Douglas makes of him tomorrow...
Onwards little man
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