God bless that woman...she has a lot to put up with, but having been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and also seeing me every day, she does know how best to deal with us...
A good dose of encouragement, a dash of honesty, a pinch of ambition for the future and we set our goals for the lesson.
Quite rightly she pointed out that there is a way to go to reach my medium expectations and hopes, however at least today we did some good stuff as well as some silly stuff
Having warmed up before she got there, we got straight on with it
Ran through the test, with her making some suggestions and comments as we went:
Entry (arrow straight, equal feeling in both reins, collection before x, sit up, look up, a confident and clear request for a square halt with those hind legs under us ready for the move off)
Move off, arrow straight, don't look round corner too early, prepare for the turn with a tiny half halt)
Track left, shoulder in left (rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, don't rush him, place his shoulder and yours, not too much bend, maintain the balance with the outside rein, little half halts, allow him to step through by not having a grip of death on the inside rein, remember beginning ,middle and end, straight for a step before half 10m circle)
Half 10m circle left (keep him up off the inside shoulder, look to A, no rushing, clear change of bend over x)
Half 10m circle right (exactly the same...rhythm) Finish your circle before even thinking about shoulder in right
Shoulder in right (prepare, move my shoulder, move his,again no death grip, forward, even rhythm)
Medium trot (look UP, straighten him, chest up, hips establishing the rhythm, not speed, be brave!!)
Half pass left (straight on C/L, think shoulder in wrap inside leg around and down his barrel, hand soft, guide the shoulders don't ask for too much flexion in the jaw, outside leg back and down, think forward, across, forward, across, weight to inside, but don't let him dive onto his shoulders)
Half pass right (see above!!)
Extended trot (pray!!!
Medium walk (always think up and forward into the transition, rhythm, quality, not fast and scuttling...own that walk, be proud and breath!!!)
Extended walk, taking the contact forward, maintain the rhythm, powerful steps, no need to hurry
Medium walk, keep the rhythm,!!
Collected canter left (think a tiny bit of shoulder fore, up and through, go not whoa)
10m circle (we can do this, just don't rush, keep him balanced and up off inside leg)
Half pass in canter (oh.dear.god...now tell me why I can do this in trot but in canter I am a total tosser...DO NOT rush him, exactly the same, find your line, look UP, shoulders, up through torso, leg back, forward and across, no grip of death, allow him to go
Down centre line (straightness, this was good)
medium canter to collected canter, also good...just plan ahead, don't boot the poor bugger, allow him to lengthen and collect him with the seat not the hands!!)
Trot to canter trans- good
10m circle right in canter-good
Half pass in canter (see above
centre line- STRAIGHTNESS and prepare for the turn
Extended canter (as extended trot...pray
Left turns all good
Final halt, good
Soooooooooooooooo, it was clear canter half pass is our achilles heel...trainer pointed out no retiring allowed, so even if it ends up being a leg yieldy drifty thingy we will scrape a five, but we HAVE to keep cantering!!!
Stirrups went away...chat about my dodgy old hips
Did a great little exercise in canter with softness and rhythm key, 10m circle at corner marker, 2 or 3 steps of half pass, 10m circle, 2 or 3 steps of half pass, 10m canter circle...repeat on both reins
We have lots to do yet, but the trot was the same 3 months ago, so I am hopeful we will crack it
I have a mental block with half passing to the c/l...clearly just my head as we then practised spiralling in a circle in traver, a large working pirouette in essence and that was not a problem....on either rein...ekkk!!! So any additional handy hints always welcome, we are going to crack on again on Friday
So, we shall see
OH is going to film us in training on Friday and will compare to competition version to see what differences there are
In the mean time me and youtube are spending some quality time together
Aching brain and legs tonight, but positive nonetheless
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