We have, and always have had an issue with tension
It is becoming more and more obvious that my lack of strength and flexibility is going to hinder our progress, so have embarked upon rigorous programme under supervision from Chiro and sports therapist. It is particularly noticeable now we are working on the half pass work as I just do not have enough inside leg...ever...
So we looked at me primarily, my position, where my legs should be and the range of movement I NEED in order to get these blessed half passes right. It transpires I have difficulty keeping my inside leg on whilst moving my outside leg back whilst keeping my shoulders facing the way we need to go and the hips controlling the direction, hands still, core stable...man, I am exhausted just thinking about it.
Best advice given....you are going to have to practice this range of movement everytime you get on him...think strong core, inside leg on and on the girth keeping the engine going, giving him support, inside hip up and forward towards the direction of travel, inside hand allowing the flexion, outside leg back without dropping the hip...strong but relaxed....MUCH harder than it sounds
In walk we worked on relaxation and placement of shoulders,shoulder in to traver, straight, on the track on the 3/4 line. We worked on leg yielding with him really up and off the shoulder, stepping across and giving him time to do so. In trot, I have to ensure the relaxation, he MUST be soft and forward, I MUST look for my marker, get my leg back early, prepare early, be firm and clear with aids and give with that inside hand.
We worked on control of the pace too, on and back in trot, balancing him carefully in the corner, making sure he is arrow straight...looking up and swinging those hips forward...so much more power now, still more to come I believe, but to be getting 7's in a test for us is nothing short of miraculous
He was really tired by the end...we didn't look at canter, trainer felt this session would be better spent improving what we CAN do and working on the other when I have had time to digest, loosen those hips and get my aids fixed in my head!!
Today was our monthly training through BD with Leanne Wall...always look forward to it
She was very positive all round, despite me feeling it was one of our more frustrating session. She makes detailed notes for us so very handy when coming to write it up.
We had a chat about the outing, she felt that collection and jump might be our issue to work on and I laughed and said it definitely was, plus the whole relaxation thing...we are both getting in a pickle at times.
Had a look at our warm up (happy) then asked us to pick up the walk...commented that it was the best she had seen him for engagement and energy and general quality...particularly the collected walk...we apparently need to be aiming for 8's and really taking our time to show it off a bit more, which was really encouraging as I have always felt it had potential, but was a bit 'small'
As with last lesson we looked at shoulder in....don't ask for too much, he is more than willing to oblige!! Must think about half halt, keep inside leg supporting, lift inside hand slightly,shoulders off the track not quarters out
Traver much the same, quarters coming in is NOT our problem it is the balance and amount he offers that I need to manage. Was useful to have mirrors and guage the feeling carefully so we can reproduce in a test situation
Straight into canter, wow! We spent the rest of the lesson in canter...if that boy doesn't sleep well tonight there is no justice!!
She had a look at the quality of the canter first and declared it massively improved from last month
We did a useful exercise, which surprisingly he did well...all in canter, going large, from short side, leg yield to 3/4 line, shoulder in, 10m circle then traver...
I HAVE to remain looser in my body, yet strong through my core, I have to think about the inside leg being the MOST important...a 80% more important leg in these exercises
We returned to straightness, which was hilarious as he was so tuned in to lateral work, it was like riding a racing snake
She also had us in traver in walk and asking for a walk canter transitions from that position...so interesting...he found that bloody hard!!!
We finished with putting some patterns together....left to right still tense and rushing, but right to left I felt we were much more together and in tune. I was hoping for more progress to be honest, but there were so many aspects that were vastly improved I really have to be focused on them and be happy
He cooled down on a long stretch with still some energy in the tank and we left it at that
Stayed for a cup of tea and watched some of the desperately cute BYRDS riders and their little fancy ponies at work
The plan is to have a schoolmaster lesson on another livery's fabulous horse with focus on half passing and get trainer to ride through the canter half pass work to try and break the tension cycle which I seem to create for him
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