I have a Fairfax girth, works for us, fitted by saddler, I tried it a few times before I bought one, so was happy it suited us. Was based on Daniel's yard when the research began for the new bridle, so it has intrigued me to see how it finally turned out...very, very interesting it all is that is for sure.
Wanted to try partly out of curiosity, partly because the boy can be VERY sensitive around the ears (as FP! witnessed at Frensham a couple of weeks ago) They are certainly a top end product, but for that you have a 'top end' service, attention to detail and a real desire, I believe, to improve an individual horse's performance in an empathetic, comfortable way.
Some very fancy ponies there today, we were definitely the smallest and least flashy, so felt a bit
Now, this WAS extremely interesting as the padding is in 3 parts, it makes it bulkier than you might be used to, but not ugly. The central padding lifts the noseband and keeps the areas on either side of the nasal bone,clear of pressure. It also has two large rings and two smaller rings which mean it is pliable and moves softly, fitting nicely but not tightly.
The browband is NOT changeable, everything is neatly stitched and clearly very carefully considered and researched. They asked me to ride in my old bridle first, took video and watched his way of going. We spent at least 20 minutes getting the fit right and then off we went again, under the watchful eye of 3 experts
I will preface this with the statement that I am no great shakes, you know that, and this is only my opinion...an ordinary rider with an ordinary horse with some 'special ' needs including dislike of change
To begin with he felt heavy in the hand, almost leaning into the bridle more than normal, but once he settled into it and readjusted his balance, he went well, very well.Now, the cynics (me included) will think, ah well, you wanted to feel a difference...believe me, I really didn't, I REALLY didn't...it is one expensive dilemma to have.However, quickly it became clear his transitions were better, more responsive and through I guess and he was definitely taking me forward in the medium trot. There was also a definite 'engagement'in the canter which felt great
So, the plan is to try it at home under the watchful eye of trainer in 3 weeks. We can therefore eliminate the better surface possibility, and the riding under pressure scenario and see what it looks like filmed and photographed and analysed with different critical eyes
Part of me feels it is pointless unless we are going to make it past medium, part of me thinks we need all the help we can get
So nice to be back at the farm, you forget how much of a luxury mirrors and an indoor school are
I will make sure I take photographs next time as I realise this is a largely dull blog entry without them, but well worth a look/try if one of the clinics are near you. It does need to be professionally fitted, especially with all the different options.
Worth bearing in mind there is no flash noseband option and the drop is not FEI approved as yet so would not be usable in competition until it is approved, so cavesson snaffle or double are really the only competition options
Any questions, ask away, I am not an expert but rapidly becoming a convert...
Hi, I have booked into trying one of these new Fairfax bridles out in Feb. How did the further trail go? Also have you since purchased one or was there not that much difference at home? Hoping not to spend that much, but eliminating some of our habits would be good!! Thanks