So getting ready for the *cough* medium outing
We recapped on the straightness aids (to be fair he is bloody good at being straight) which has improved medium trots and direct transitions, especially trot to halt no end. In the main we now have a square, balanced halt and the move off is coming from the back end and lifting up the shoulders, which is definitely all going in the right direction
We did lots of transitions through the long stretchy outline, walk, trot, canter, halt, maintaining the softness through the neck before picking him up to a working frame. Weather has not been terribly kind last 2 weeks, but it has done him the world of good to work through the wind and the rain
We went straight to canter as he is better when a bit fresher and I can get more out of him, trot he finds easy and can motor along for an entire 45 minutes if needs be. We have had to really focus on the roundness in the left canter particularly as I am very strong through my right side and always seem to block the 'forwards' with my lovely grip of death
Then we worked on lateral work in trot. Nice little exercise, if I can remember it right. Trot on left rein, down centre line, shoulder in left, change the bend, set, leg and rein then traver right...lovely for maoeverability, really got us both thinking and actually pretty good at it once I got my brain in gear
Ran through bit and pieces of 61....shoulder in to half circles, half passes...which I am to remember that he is not a GRand Prix horse (yet) and not to ask for/expect/look to achieve a steep angle and bend. Once I got my head round what a good, acceptab;e half pass felt like for both of us, we were motoring. Remember, control the shoulders first, guide and lead with the shoulders, the quarters should never, ever lead
Today we really went back to basics
A well needed session on relaxation and softness in the neck...through the whole session
So, are we forward, straight, responsive, equal weight in legs, seat bones, can I feel his hind legs coming through into the hoof prints of his front legs, are shoulders back and down, do I have a smile through my collar bone, are my elbows weighted, by my hips, hands forward, allowing, whip lying across my thigh????
Took time to get energy and relaxation in the walk, bigger strides not faster. How low could I get his neck in the relaxed stretch while still having activity, roundness and not diving on his shoulders? Can I keep that exact feeling in the transitions and changes of bad habit is to pull back as he looses balance sometimes through a change of rein...I must learn to keep those hands forward and drive him into the contact, not quicker, just actively. Transfered this to the canter work! So much better, balanced and taking the contact forward and down . Here my seat aids were vital....strong upper body, still hands, active leg aids:clap:
In the trot we worked on a bigger more powerful stride, not a faster one....a quick reminder with a tap of the whip when he began to find it hard/die a little in the energy and trainer declared some of the best work she has seen from him in a long while
He is feeling great at the moment...just really happy and powerful, so couldn't ask for more. Quick run through of test tomorrow, dy off Thursday and then final preps for a weekend of pony dancing.... Looking forward to it for the first time in a while...exam fever has been VERY stressful this year for some reason....7 day weeks are not fun over 3 month period
Onwards little man
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