The boy and I have had a busy half term...but so much fun!!
Today was the turn of Merrist Wood. We hired the indoor as it is our nemesis, he hates it with a passion, but really felt this year at rising 8 he HAS to man up and I have to ride better
As it turned out, with the regionals starting half an hour after we left it was blooming busy,lots going on, lots of people arriving, crashing around, music playing, comings and goings on the balcony and THE FLOWERS!!!
Perfect, perfect practice really....
Stills are here: Merrist Wood album
Husband and child came to give you fair warning, the videos range from shaky, to non existent, to farting and giggling,to actually bits and pieces of our work
If you are bored enough, please feel free to scroll through our youtube channel....but have picked some bits and pieces for you.
Was so so so chuffed with him. Kind lady (harrassed) said we could do 15 minutes outside which was great...more like an actual competition
Went in at alloted time expecting the usual killer flower shenanigans...but NOT ONE....
So hands up,who took my pony and replaced him with a grown up boy???!!!
We were there really to run through some bits and pieces of the medium work we have been looking at at home...lots to work on still, but very very useful to play with them out and about and under no pressure
Was really chuffed that the outline seems to be coming a little more uphill with more consistency and I am not constantly looking at pictures and videos with utter utter horror
So here they are: fair warning people:
Wide behind and many moments of wiggly worming, but a start
Canter entry
A very wobbly attempt at the beginning of M75(I think)...sitting trot a work in progress as is the half pass and the slightly large 10m circle....Travers needs a LOT more control
Trot work
Walk pirouette...bit of a fail Piri
Free walk, to medium to collected walk to collected canter, then the half pass which small child stopped filming before you saw our half pass for a 9...text book I tell you
Walk- canter
Counter canter: Counter canter
Are you bored yet???
And the 'fart'to finish...apologies for my family!!!
Oh dear
Lots and lots of work to do, but hopefully in 6 months time, we will be able to put the elements together and make a semi decent go of it all....
And that, is the last post this week, I promise
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