She had started at 7.30am,we rocked up at 8.15 for our session, she was bright as a button, cheery and welcoming...did the usual , how old is he, how is he bred,what are you working on at home, what do you find hard, what would you like to look at today??...I did my usual mumbling about not being very good, needing to work on everything, she had a look at us while we warmed up (spooked at all the jumps in the other part of the arena
She was very quickly onto my lack of strength in my left leg and the Small brown ones penchant for taking advantage of that, throwing me off his shoulder and twisting me right. Sorted that out quick smart with some straightening of the rider and whip in the left hand
We did some engagement exercises (very much in line with what regular trainer does at home so I was really pleased) riding up and forwards into a soft receiving hand, sitting tall yet deep in the seat, legs long and around his barrel, lifting him up into the halt. Worked on one step at a time forward, focus on control of each footfall, then interpersed with rein back, halt, walk, halt, reinback, trot, trot halt, rein back, canter etc etc. He was a super boy and she complimented him on his quickness to pick things up and listen.
Quick bit of lateral work in walk and trot, then she asked to see his canter: Not historically a good moment for us
However! I must have a bit more faith.....he was on it.I think some of it has to do with the pony who had now entered the jump arena and had proceeded to throw itself around with a shrieking little person on board
The rein back to canter is really helping that jump, she was very honest and said he needed more than just one of two quality strides of canter (clearly
Repeated on right side, which he definitely found easier and then onto half pass work. I have to make sure I am sitting right when moving right...I am a bit of an idiot and get in a flap in canter, especially as we can do it perfectly well in trot. She had me look down at my right ankle before spotting our point to aim for which REALLY helped me with weight distribution and direction and focus. I have to keep the line and steer the shoulders, the quarters must not lead EVER, he can do it, I just need to make sure I keep him relaxed in the neck and not allow him to run into the hand when he doesn't quite understand the question. Alternating half halts with inside and outside reins really helped us...I am all for finding what works for you...she did say, not every trainer would like it, but by golly the boy responded with some lovely steps. Repeated on the left (small child had now fallen off pony and was complaining VERY noisily as pony galloped around arena
Long stretchy trot to finish and big pats
I stayed and watched a few of the BYRDS lessons...sooooooooooooo cute
And was persuaded to put ourselves forward for teams
Not sure we are really team material, but I smiled and said of course she could send me the details
All in all a very positive experience, where we learnt a lot and looking forward to next months
Obligatory pony shot to finish
Pony face
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