Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Stubborn or crazy....

I think I am possibly a bit of both

I was always taught as a child that you have 2 choices when things get tough...give up or try harder....
When it comes to dressage,there is no choice is there...not if you want to succeed....so we are trying harder...a lot harder...

Last winter we had the benefit of a fabulous indoor school....this year, not so much!! However, a good pair of weatherproof winter breeches, waterproof jacket and exercise sheet for the boy and we have braved it all...wind, rain, rain a bit more rain...consequently I reckon he is pretty much weather proof and certainly water on the road proof for sure!!

So lessoning....have decided to start writing down what we do as it seems we cover an ocean of things and if I don't, allllllll the little gems will be lost forever!!!

Its all about the neck....softness, flexibility, relaxation....it is becoming ever clearer how vital that is for us, in the warmup, in the training,in the arena, so as our mantra is now consistency in everything, the expectation now has to be to establish the softness and 'drape' right from the beginning, whether we are in a lesson or practising on our own. However what we worked on today was not allowing relaxation to equal slopping along without engagement or energy...the forward if you like! We made sure that we began with the energy coming from the hind legs into a soft receiving hand, without increasing the speed...easier said than done...I have to remember to keep my hips swinging loosely and rythmically whilst maintaining the lower leg consistency! The chiro and physio has definitely made the world of difference!

Walk pirouettes next....a new one for me, so ever patient trainer had to go through aids, expectations,do's and don'ts with me.Had read a fascinating article: http://dressagetoday.com/article/janet-foys-test-techniques-26657

Who would have thought there were so many things to think about in one movement....fascinating. So trainer had a look at where we were (nowhere...) and suggested some great exercises to get him stepping under not out.We were on a 20m circle, alternating between haunches in, straight, shoulder in...really focusing on the control of the shoulders an haunches, reactivity to the aids and relaxation of course!! Collecting the walk, whilst maintaining the energy is such a challenge for him, but one we need to meet! Thinking about a slight bend in the direction of travel helped, I have to make sure he doesn't throw me off his shoulder or ignore my aids...outside leg needs to be back, inside leg needs to be that supportive pillar, alternating left and right legs aids to engage the hind legs. We started with a large working pirouette and brought it down to a smaller competition sized piroutte...rest,then tried the other rein....lots and lots to practice and think about...good boy for trying so very hard.

Next the transitions...up and down. Always got to work on the collection before an upwards transitions, however, think that is coming...it is the prep before a downwards that we still need to perfect! So onto a 20m circle. Making sure his walk after a long rein rest is active and expectant, could we go into canter from it?Could we halt, rein back, are we prepared for anything?? Then mixing it up...all of a sudden he was full of energy, more reactive to the aids,listening....got some super upwards and downwards just by thinking about lifting up and forwards, or up and back onto those pesky haunches. Canter a million times better as soon as we had the relaxation through the neck....learning I have to want it and insist on it, firmly and clearly and more importantly quickly, not letting him go 4 strides like a giraffe, be equally quick to rewards and what do you know....feels fab!!!

Lovely long rein to finish and lots of homework...just how we like it!!!

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