10 days until 4 wheels on the wagon...so he had better continue the good work or words will be had!!
We have settled into a good routine now my work is more predictable: Saturday is day off as I work all day, Sunday is hack, Monday stretchy school day, Tuesday lesson day, Wednesday practice exercises from Tuesday day, Thursday hack, Friday polework and recap on one or two exercises from lesson...and so it goes on...he is happy, fit.working well, I am without a doubt getting fitter and more supple :)
Trainer has suggested polework, for many reasons...he loves it, variety and thinking exercises are so good for him, he is short backed and can have difficulty using his muscles correctly in order to truly swing through the back, it helps with his self carriage, strength and is brilliant for engagement and collection as well as useful for practising those pesky extensions....
Fabulous little article here which explains it much better than I ever could:
We always begin with our stretchy walk and trot work, today as it was so bloomin cold we also did a stretchy canter, before picking him up and doing a little canter exercise on both reins which involved counting strides on a 20m circle....began in a working canter....little legs took 24 strides to get round the circle at A, transition to a medium canter...18 strides...and then onto a collected canter 28 strides and back to working canter.....great exercise for me to think about the stride length and not the speed....he is so much more balanced now, although it will always be his weakest pace bless his little shoes!!
I am lucky he is such a good boy and will just stand while I organise poles and leap on and off to reorganise them...

Today we worked through poles on a straight line, last week we worked on them on a circle so I could aim for the inner part to begin with and gradually move out to the outer edge to work on a bigger stride.
Key for us is a forward active trot, that is balanced and not speeding round the corner. I have to make sure his is listening to my outside aids, up off the inner leg and round over the back...easier said than done to begin with as he does like to rush in his enthusiasm....usually get a great rhythm and sense of lift and roundness after the 2nd or 3rd attempt...both reins and then a quick break.
Have experimented with the polepods on alternate poles, which was really, really good for getting him to engage those hocks, lift and power through...
When I have a willing helper we will be moving onto canter poles as that is REALLY exciting!!!
The aim being to begin grid work in the spring and for his general education get some jump schooling in when the weather is better....
He is a fabulous, honest little chap and the one who has given me back the confidence to leave the ground once again...we miss Uncle Kevin and his oceans of patience...
Exciting times ahead Small brown wonder pony...
Onwards xx
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