What an incredible,amazing year we have had...
Totally beyond my wildest dreams.
We have learned so much about each other and he has finished the season sound, sane and happy...what more could I ask for?
So brace yourself...this might be a mammoth recap since our last entry so many weeks ago!
First bit of amazing news was we have qualified for the Sheepgate Championship, which takes place in Lincolnshire 1st-4th May!!
Preparation for the Area Festival went well...we carried on training hard, despite my Chiropractors protestations...he plays football....I think he thinks I do pony trekking!!! ;)
First job to seek out E45 test practices...easier said than done...however, find them we did and managed to
win our first go.... only our second win, following the life changing first ever win at Merrist Wood where I cried in the secretaries office...oh dear!!! Lots to work on, particularly our balance in halts...so off we went to practice ,practice and practice some more.
Turns out I am crooked...who'd have thought it!!?? Both the sports therapist and Chiro have worked very hard to straighten me out, supple me up and strengthen my body....really beginning to see the results. Six weeks of 'clean' eating,swimming and targeted strength work has seen me lose 9lbs and gain some mobility back in my left hip. So now I am straighter and stronger we should be able to crack on with some more of the lateral work...
Had a couple of sessions with List 2 judge, who ripped us to bits (in a positive and encouraging way of course) and made us look at every single fine detail...downward transitions need a lot of work, had to really think about the collection, and lifting up and forward into the downwards...riding positively into the new pace, thinking about the footfall, control, submission at all times.The key for us is the control of the final couple of strides of trot when making a downwards to walk, and the same with the canter to trot....very, very interesting...apparently our 10m circles are 'pretty good' which is high praise indeed in my mind!!!
We were the most excited to be setting off to Warwickshire at the beginning of November. Boy has never had an away stay, I have not driven a lorry for a very long time....the littlest bear was the MOST excited bout the road trip....packed games, books...wine for me of course and what seemed like a years supply of stuff for the wonder pony. We had a WHALE of a time...was totally and utterly brilliant! it took a good 3 hours to get there as traffic was poop, but the boy travelled quietly, looked out of the window, munched some hay and arrived at the other end calm, happy and very intrigued. A year ago a new venue might have prompted an eyes on stalks meltdown, but wow, has he grown up. Got off lorry, went straight into his box for the night, had a wee and got on with the all important job of eating. We had our novice class late on the Friday evening- we were last on at 7pm...took him out around 6.30...it was lovely and quiet by this point...and gave him our standard warm up...he didn't bat an eyelid...not once....went into a strange indoor that he had never been in before, banners, 2 judges, mirrors....lots of potential for spooky silliness....total focus....bar the rider who had to make an error of course...of course...he was foot perfect. Was lovely to be judged by 2 male judges who had never seen us before, had no preconceptions and actually smiled!

Utterly and totally delighted with 66.3%...our best score at a Championship and definitely a confidence giving ride for the Elementary the following day...we would have been 5th had we not had to be H/C (long and complicated story) so definitely, definitely not last...chuffed to bits!!
We were on at 8am the following morning,with the arena walk at 7am, so late supper for the boy, lots of cuddles and kisses and off we went for supper in the lorry and a glass of vino. Was so lovly to be able to catch up with an old school friend who was also competing....hadn't seen her for 20 years, but was like it was yesterday on the school bus....
Saturday morning dawned bright and clear. We were the only ones crazy enough to be arena walking under the floodlights, but it did him the world of good. Great outdoor surface and not too many flowers to spook bust. We had a wander at will on a long rein, both inside and outside arena, before the world started to wake up....back for breakfast and then back on again at 7.45am! He felt tired, but calm and relaxed and with it being so ear;y the warm up was quiet....great for us...for once I didn't mind being first in...
Started so well...centre line, halt 2 8's....trot, trot, trot...mother forgets her way...judge doesn't notice!!Sometime later (3 moves to be exact) I stop as I am on the wrong rein...judge still hasn't rung bell....she calls me over, neither of us know where we have gone wrong (know it was early but...) she tells me to carry on, me in my flustered state doesn't challenge the fact that we have missed some moves out entirely...finish test, halt, salute (another pair of 8's) and wander back over to judges car...she apologises...I remain mystified how it went wrong and wan't corrected....idiot me for throwing a perfectly good test away...blooming judge for not stopping me straight away.Much confusion form 2nd judge and a rather muddled 63.53%to finish, which sadly left us in 11th and out of the rosettes....but to be fair, I was still chuffed to bits...absolutely bloody over the moon actually...Had we not gone wrong we would have been 9th, more than I could have dreamed of...and 11th out of 20 in a hot class with some huuuuuge horses and masses of talent...well couldn't wipe the grin off my face to be honest:

He is the most incredible boy who tries his heart out for me and I wouldn't change him for the world....watched my pal do a stonking test for 3rd place on her beautiful, beautiful boy and headed for home, having had the best weekend ever!!
And that, my friends is that for 2014...finished on a total high and looking forward to the next adventure, whatever that might be...
Onwards Small Brown, onwards xxxx