Friday, 17 January 2014

Taking a long hard look...

at ourselves this week....

On the surface our Elementary debut was a total, utter unmitigated disaster...a waste of diesel...a waste of entry fees...entertainment for the poor judge perhaps, a tale for the poor man I shouted at by the side of the arena as we piaffed our way to retirement...

But horses are our greatest teachers...a mirror for our own shortcomings...
So,after having a pity party and sobbing all the way home I stopped and asked:
What did I do wrong?
What did we learn?
How could we do it better?
Then, finally I could appreciate what we had done well!!!

Next time I will make sure the SmallBrown one is worked properly the day or no work, it is no good going for a relaxing wander the day before an important wouldn't spend the day before your University finals ice skating....

Next time I will take into account I now have a fit dressage horse on my longer a panting, baby bog pony with no stamina....allowing 15 minutes to warm up is a recipe for disaster...and now we have the humble pie to show for it!

Going into a warm up with your head up, a plan and some commitment is good bumbling around apologising to everyone for getting in their proud, be asssertive, we deserve to be there just as much as the huge, snorting warmblood half passing and flying changing everytime we turn up the centre line...

When it goes wrong...take a deep breath, go back to where you were AND GET ON WITH IT!

Above all, defeatist will be defeated....

Now, 5 days later, I can appreciate...we managed the entire trot and walk sections of an Elementary dressage test!! The first time we have EVER been out in public and had a go...

And yesterday 2014 has started with such a high:
 My most special SmallBrown will be taking me down the centre line at our very first regional championship...and we will have our heads held high, big smiles on our faces and  enjoy every single second whether we come first or last....

Now , where do I get hypnotherapy.......

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