We are very privileged to be trained by 3 of the most positive, enthusiastic and inspirational trainers in Emma, Douglas and Leanne. Last night we went for a twilight training session after work at Parwood, part of our BD training with Leanne. Despite having been teaching all day, as always she was full of energy and insight and encouraging, even though the wonderpony and I are a bit dim!!!
So, we warmed up, with him thinking about spooking at the dog, my husband filming, the doorway...but we are on it now, leg on, forward into a contact...no spooking! Stretchy walk, trot and canter to begin...Leanne commented that he remains consistent in both reins and it was a harmonious picture which is good news, however we have to be careful that our snaffle rein doesn't become baggy and we take up too much curb....the theme for the evening as it turned out!! We still need more jump in the canter, as always, a work in progress.
Leanne asked what we needed to work on and as we have our biggest challenge to date coming up (Medium 75) I asked if we could look at elements of that, in particular the counter canter half circle into simple changes as I haven't ridden that well recently.
We worked on gear changes in the counter canter first of all.I HAVE to be more relaxed through my elbows, think a tiny bit of counter flexion to keep him straighter, but still riding the rhythm of the canter with my seat and imagining I have cameras on my shoulders to point to where I want to go (interesting image but really worked)
It soon became obvious that he wasn't reactive enough to my request to collect in the counter canter (quite hard work for him) so we worked on my preparation...breathing into it, relaxed elbows, expecting a reaction then on again. When I prepared enough the simple change was good, if I didn't (as you will see from the videos) they are a bit of a flop and a fall out into walk!! grin emoticon
We have to keep the outside hind active all the time i the counter canter.Sometimes collect and then move on again, sometimes collect and ask for simple change, so there is no anticipation. Phew...head spinning but we will get there!!
Counter canter left
Counter canter right
Then on to look at the trot work. Half passes apparently looking much better, competent even, but still a long way to go with finishing them off and maintaining the bend in the right particularly.
Half pass
I must,must, must keep left shoulder and seat bone back in the right half pass, but at the moment it looks like a weird twisty thing I have going on....mirrors are such a help and an eye opener!!!
The wonderpony,is at times like riding a racing snake, but partly because I don't ride the hind end properly. I have to think about straightness when the half pass has met the track, before the circles, otherwise we are quarters in and it all looks a bit of a mess (again, videos show this very clearly) I need more control of my leg and to be more aware now of what is going on behind me as well as in front!!
Did someone say dressage was easy?!!!
Half pass ribbon exercises
It was useful to do some 10m circles with counter flexion as it really showed up that I had not nearly enough control of the shoulder or the outside rein...so much to think about, but really please each month seems to be a step forwards!!
Shoulder in
I have been accepted as a trainee judge, so looking forward to training with Isobel Wessels and Peter Storr in October.
Exciting times
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