Saturday, 20 September 2014

Prior planning and preparation...

The entries have been sent...
So we have 6 weeks left to prepare! Operation 'We CAN'T come last' has commenced!!

So training has focused upon taking the Championship test apart bit by bit and building it back up with specific exercises and practice of the bits we find hard AND the bits we do well...

Managed to find a venue running the test (so few do) and went for a trial run,which was very, very useful. Two huge mistakes, and we still got a respectable 63%and the judge, luckily was one who like to make LOTS of comments...great for us, lots to work on :)

Trainer has been very thorough at each stage. So began with straightness in entry and halt work....surprising how many marks you can lose for the stopping bits! Have really had to address my own straightness this last month, no point in trying to get pony straight if  I am a crooked old bag. New physiotherapist/chiro/sports therapy practice appraoched, expalined situation, posture assessment done and conclusion....LOTS of work to be done. Plan has been formulated, strengthening and suppling exercises dispatched and hopefully with the nutrition plan as well we should be in great shape by the new year!! Having this little beauty done next week to get to the root of my neck and shoulder pain: Eeeeeekk!

Have worked bloody hard on the halts...collecting the final 2 strides, lifting him up and into the halt, ensuring I am straight and balanced (not an easy task!!) Having him waiting, relaxed and attentive, then the hardest bit, lifting him up and forward into the direct transition to trot. He is really eager to learn and as we have been applying the principle at ALL times in ALL our halts, on hacks, on the yard, at the mounting block...he knows what to expect. Also I have had to learn to make my aids more subtle,as he becomes more educated 'less is definitely more': Little snippet of halt

Culminating in much more consistency: the theory being we have to be doing it EVERY time at home otherwise it aint going to happen in a test!!

Suppleness is also a work in progress. Managed to persuade a list 2 judge (who judged this test at petplans a couple of weeks ago) to give me a lesson (though we are going to need many more!!) from her point of view as a judge! SUCH a useful session. Her mantra for success....relaxation and suppleness has to be at the heart of EVERYTHING! First thing to go was the whip!!! Eeeeeekkkkk!!
SO as this was the suppleness that was commented on in our 4 loop serpentine...perfect chance to practice...and chuffed to bits with the work he is starting to produce: 

This has been the key to conquering the warm up demons...he expects the same routine as a warmup, and immediately relaxes into a soft outline. We follow exactly the same routine at competitions and so far (touches wood furiously) he has been a changed boy!

Medium trot is our nemesis...too much rushing and not enough power from behind. We have been playinng with the 'on and back' and breaking it up into sets of 4 strides so he keeps his balance. I still need the discipline to remember to collect in the corner, straighten him, look up and BUILD the medium, not  boot him into it, steady the pace with MY rise and think hips forward, shoulders up:

Found the exercise with Sue on Thursday really, hugely improved the quality of the trot, it was THE most hard work, but wow! Moments that I felt could be the basis for a much more powerful,controlled and RELAXED trot!!

Suppleness in the 10m circles also important and although small and manoueverable he has the tendency to drop onto the forehand as I don't have him balanced and on his backend enough:

Combining this with the sitting trot work we did is our homework for next time:

WE have also been working very hard on self carriage...part of the prep for the 10m canter circles, giving and retaking the inside rein: Useful ideas from trainer here,and one of the areas I feel we have made huge progress!!

Lots of work done and lots more to do...but we WILL get there,and it is blooming exciting now!!

The boy will definitely appreciate his day off this week!!

Extended walk work and medium canter shenanigans still to come...grab yourself a cuppa ;)

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