And this time it was polework to improve the medium trot and our 'forward' thinking canter.
After the usual warmup, stretch in walk, trot and canter, out came the poles...and the Small Brown ears!
he does love a pole or two....
One to begin with, focus on quality of trot, a good corner,straightness to the pole and a giving hand over it. Leg dying after the pole allowed!
We quickly moved to 3, which as the rider is crap and flaps didn't go well to begin with...bit of preparation and thought and lord...all of a sudden he lift up, forward and it felt amazing!!!
We have our orders to do the same at least once a week, increasing number of poles, and hopefully distance between them step by step.
Canter poles make me panic still...if I panic...guess what?! Pony thinks, what on earth is going on...and bang goes the relaxation!
practice, practice, practice needed, forward thinking, straight and energetic....we finally got there!
Today we went hacking.
It is no secret...hacking and I have not been friends in the past. two nasty falls, one culminating in me being dropped on my head in the road from the top of a bank having finished my riding career for a LONG has been a long time getting both my mojo and my confidence back!!
Nannied by super Brenda, meant that we could hide behind her 16.3hh of lovely grey bottom when the going got tough! Small Brown wasn't sure why in heavens name I had taken him to a strange yard and now expected him to walk through open fields, over logs and through thick bushes...I struggled to breath....shooters were out, and the crazy dog walking lunatics...but to be fair to the boy, he just kept on going.One or two minor 'moments' but held my breath when we arrived at Newlands Corner carpark and it was FULL of the world and his wife, and their dogs, prams, bikes, balls, bikers, caravans...Eeeekkkk!! God bless the boy, he just carrried on...actually made me smile, so confident did he feel next to the new love of his life!!
The view is STUNNING:
So proud of him dealing with all the noise and commotion!
Onwards, and by now he was pooped....on a very long rein and ready for home.
By now I was starting to actually enjoy it!!! What is the world coming to??!!
Just feel like outings like this are not only fabulous, incredible progress but an invaluable education for a boy who is a bit of a wimp....surely bigger shows can't be worse than being faced with 100's of Harley Davidsons??!!
Lots of love for the boy tonight....can't wait to go again!!