Attended a fascinating training course this week in my day job!
We were discussing the ideal learning culture,setting and achieving Target for Success,establishing clear learning intentions and helping children be the best they can possibly be.
I always find it fascinating to apply some of the teaching principles I learn to my riding it is the area of my world that I am constantly learning, reassessing, being challenged in and then learning some more.
One particular piece of research by Carol Dweck struck me....when asked about their views of ability and potential to succeeed...BOYS were more likely to attribute success to ABILITY and failure to LACK OF EFFORT. GIRLS on the other hand attributed success to EFFORT and failure to LACK OF ABILITY.
Something I can totally relate to...if we do well we have worked really hard that week, if we are struggling those feelings of doubts creep in...maybe we just aren't good enough, what is the point in carrying on, maybe a need a better horse, shiny boots, more saddle cloths, a new trainer???
The truth might be closer to success is due to a combination of effort AND ability. No one is born being able to ride a dressage test or jumping round Burghley are they? Some people have a 'feel' for a horse,most people work bloody hard to improve their skills, fitness, gain an understanding of what is required and practice, practice, practice!
The biggest barrier to success I guess for me has been my mindset...we learned this week there are 2 main types of people...those with a FIXED mindset and those with an OPEN or GROWTH one.
Do you know which one you are? Think about how you approach challenges with your ponies...
Research again has shown that people with a fixed mindset need to constantly prove their ability, whereas people with a growth mindset believe their success will be developed through learning...?
Do you believe you can only ever progress so far with your riding? Do you feel you are successful when things are easy and need that to success to feel positive about the next step? Do you find it hard when people point out errors you make? Do you feel that even when you are doing well you won't be able to cope with problems or obstacles that might arise? FIXED mindset....
Surely a more healthy way to approach your based or otherwise is to accept
Success CAN be increased through hard, hard work....your OWN efforts. It is important to acknowledge that there are vast differences between people, how much they know and how quick they master things (so stop comparing yourself to the rider you always see at competitions...maybe they have been working for years, quietly behind the scenes...) Decide that you LOVE to learn NEW things and feel excited by new challenges...Find a trainer who praises your EFFORTS and every small achievement you your horse for the efforts they make every day...after all, they would be just as happy in a field,munching grass....
Set your goals, plan your road to success and embrace the challenges(for there are bound to be many)
So which one are you? I know I am as guilty as anyone of having a closed mindset and a defeatist attitude...but if I can change.....
Happy Sunday everyone: enjoy your ponies whatever you are doing xx
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